《round the sofa》



round the sofa- 第3部分

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no moneybut his scanty furniture; his book of prayers; his crucifix

and rosary; and his papers。  How some of those papers came into his

hands I know not。  They had evidently been written many years before

the venerable man was born; and I doubt whether he had ever examined

the bundles; which had come down to him from some old ancestor; or in

some strange bequest。  His life was too busy to leave any time for

the gratification of mere curiosity; I; alas! have only had too much


Next Monday; Signor Sperano read to us the story which I will call


'At this point comes 〃The Poor Clare〃already released by Project


Now; of all our party who had first listened to my Lady Ludlow; Mr。

Preston was the only one who had not told us something; either of

information; tradition; history; or legend。  We naturally turned to

him; but we did not like asking him directly for his contribution;

for he was a grave; reserved; and silent man。

He understood us; however; and; rousing himself as it were; he said …

〃I know you wish me to tell you; in my turn; of something which I

have learnt during my life。  I could tell you something of my own

life; and of a life dearer still to my memory; but I have shunk from

narrating anything so purely personal。  Yet; shrink as I will; no

other but those sad recollections will present themselves to my mind。

I call them sad when I think of the end of it all。  However; I am not

going to moralize。  If my dear brother's life and death does not

speak for itself; no words of mine will teach you what may be learnt

from it。〃

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