《the life of sir john oldcastle》



the life of sir john oldcastle- 第13部分

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Not two hours since we apprehended one;
In habit Irish; but in speech not so:
And now you bring another; that in speech
Is altogether Irish; but in habit
Seems to be English:  yea and more than so; 
The servant of that heretic Lord Cobham。

Fait; me be no servant of the lord Cobham;
Me be Mack Chane of Vister。

Otherwise called Harpoole of Kent; go to; sir;
You cannot blind us with your broken Irish。

Trust me; my Lord Bishop; whether Irish;
Or English; Harpoole or not Harpoole; that
I leave to be decided by the trial:
But sure I am this man by face and speech
Is he that murdered young sir Richard Lee
I met him presently upon the fact
And that he slew his master for that gold;
Those jewels; and that chain I took from him。

Well; our affairs do call us back to London;
So that we cannot prosecute the cause;
As we desire to do; therefore we leave
The charge with you; to see they be conveyed
To Hartford Sise:  both this counterfeit
And you; sir John of Wrotham; and your wench;
For you are culpable as well as they;
Though not for murder; yet for felony。
But since you are the means to bring to light
This graceless murder; you shall bear with you
Our letters to the Judges of the bench;
To be your friends in what they lawful may。

So; away with them。


ACT V。 SCENE X。 Hertford。 A Hall of Justice。

'Enter Gaoler and his man; bringing forth Old…castle。'

Bring forth the prisoners; see the court prepared;
The Justices are coming to the bench。
So; let him stand; away; and fetch the rest。


Oh; give me patience to endure this scourge;
Thou that art fountain of that virtuous stream;
And though contempt; false witness; and reproach
Hang on these iron gyves; to press my life
As low as earth; yet strengthen me with faith;
That I may mount in spirit above the clouds。

'Enter Gaoler; bringing in Lady Old…castle and

Here comes my lady:  sorrow; tis for her
Thy wound is grievous; else I scoff at thee。
What; and poor Harpoole! art thou ith bryars too?

Ifaith; my Lord; I am in; get out how I can。

Say; gentle Lord; for now we are alone;
And may confer; shall we confess in brief;
Of whence; and what we are; and so prevent
The accusation is commenced against us?

What will that help us? being known; sweet love;
We shall for heresy be put to death;
For so they term the religion we profess。
No; if it be ordained we must die;
And at this instant; this our comfort be;
That of the guilt imposed; our souls are free。

Yea; yea; my lord; Harpoole is so resolved。
I wreak of death the less; in that I die
Not by the sentence of that envious priest
The Bishop of Rochester:  oh; were it he;
Or by his means that I should suffer here;
It would be double torment to my soul。

Well; be it then according as heaven please。

'Enter lord Judge; two Justices; Mayor of Saint
Albans; lord Powesse and his lady; and old sir
Richard Lee:  the Judge and Justices take their

Now; Master Mayor; what gentleman is that;
You bring with you before us and the bench?

The Lord Powis; if it like your honor;
And this his Lady; travelling toward Wales;
Who; for they lodged last night within my house;
And my Lord Bishop did lay search for such;
Were very willing to come on with me;
Lest for their sakes suspicion me might wrong。

We cry your honor mercy; good my Lord;
Wilt please ye take your place。  Madame; your ladyship
May here or where you will repose your self;
Until this business now in hand be past。

I will withdraw into some other room;
So that your Lordship and the rest be pleased。

With all our hearts:  attend the Lady there。

Wife; I have eyed yond prisoners all this while;
And my conceit doth tell me; tis our friend;
The noble Cobham; and his virtuous Lady。

I think no less:  are they suspected; trow ye;
For doing of this murder?

What is means
I cannot tell; but we shall know anon。
Mean space as you pass by them; ask the question;
But do it secretly; you be not seen;
And make some sign that I may know your mind。

My Lord Cobham? madam?

'As she passeth over the stage by them。'

No Cobham now; nor madam; as you love us;
But John of Lancashire; and Ione his wife。

Oh tell; what is it that our love can do;
To pleasure you? for we are bound to you。

Nothing but this; that you conceal our names;
So; gentle lady; pass for being spied。

My heart I leave; to bear part of your grief。


Call the prisoners to the bar。  Sir Richard Lee;
What evidence can you bring against these people;
To prove them guilty of the murder done?

This bloody towel and these naked knives;
Beside we found them sitting by the place;
Where the dead body lay; within a bush。

What answer you why law should not proceed;
According to the evidence given in;
To tax ye with the penalty of death?

That we are free from murder's very thoughts;
And know not how the gentleman was slain。

How came this linen cloth so bloody then?

My husband hot with travelling; my lord;
His nose gushed out a bleeding; that was it。

But wherefore were your sharp edged knives 

To cut such simple victual as we had。

Say we admit this answer to those articles;
What made ye in so private a dark nook;
So far remote from any common path;
As was the thick where the dead corpse was thrown?

Journeying; my lord; from London from the term;
Down into Lancashire where we do dwell;
And what with age and travel being faint;
We gladly sought a place where we might rest;
Free from resort of other passengers;
And so we strayed into that secret corner。

These are but ambages to drive of time;
And linger Justice from her purposed end。
But who are these?

'Enter the Constable; bringing in the Irishman; sir
John of Wrotham; and Doll。'

Stay Judgement; and release those innocents;
For here is he; whose hand hath done the deed;
For which they stand indicted at the bar;
This savage villain; this rude Irish slave。
His tongue already hath confessed the fact;
And here is witness to confirm as much。

Yes; my good Lords; no sooner had he slain
His loving master for the wealth he had;
But I upon the instant met with him;
And what he purchased with the loss of blood:
With strokes I presently bereaved him of;
Some of the which is spent; the rest remaining
I willingly surrender to the hands
Of old sir Richard Lee; as being his。
Beside; my Lord Judge; I greet your honor
With letters from my Lord of Rochester。

'Delivers a letter。'

Is this the wolf whose thirsty throat did drink
My dear son's blood? art thou the snake
He cherished; yet with envious piercing sting
Assailed him mortally? foul stigmatic;
Thou venom of the country where thou livedst;
And pestilence of this:  were it not that law
Stands ready to revenge thy cruelty;
Traitor to God; thy master; and to me;
These hands should be thy executioner。

Patience; sir Richard Lee; you shall have justice;
And he the guerdon of his base desert。
The fact is odious; therefore; take him hence;
And being hanged until the wretch be dead;
His body after shall be handed in chains
Near to the place where he did act the murder。

Prethee; Lord shudge; let me have mine own
clothes; my strouces there; and let me be hanged
in a with after my cuntrythe Irishfashion。


Go to; away with him。  And now; sir John;
Although by you this murther came to light;
And therein you have well deserved; yet upright law;
So will not have you be excused and quit;
For you did rob the Irishman; by which
You stand attainted here of felony。
Beside; you have been lewd; and many years
Led a lascivious; unbeseeming life。

Oh but; my Lord; he repents; sir John repents;
and he will mend。

In hope thereof; together with the favour;
My Lord of Rochester entreats for you;
We are content you shall be proved。

I thank you good Lordship。

These other falsely here accused; and brought
In peril wrongfully; we in like sort
Do set at liberty; paying their fees。

That office; if it please ye; I will do;
For countries sake; because I know them well。
They are my neighbours; therefore of my cost
Their charges shall be paid。

And for amends;
Touching the wrong unwittingly I have done;
There are a few crowns more for them to drink。

'Gives them a purse。'

Your kindness merits praise; sir Richard Lee:
So let us hence。

'Exeunt all but Lord Powis and Old…castle。'

But Powis still must stay。
There yet remains a part of that true love
He owes his noble friend unsatisfied;
And unperformed; which first of all doth bind me
To gratulate your lordship's safe delivery;
And then entreat; that since unlooked for thus
We here are met; your honor would vouchsafe;
To ride with me to Wales; where to my power;
(Though not to quittance those great benefits;
I have received of you) yet both my house;
My purse; my servants; and what else I have;
Are all at your command。  Deny me not;
I know the Bishop's hate pursues ye so;
As there's no safety in abiding here。

Tis true; my Lord; and God forgive him for it。

Then; let us hence:  you shall be straight provided
Of lusty geldings; and once entered Wales;
Well may the Bishop hunt; but; spite his face;
He never more shall have the game in chase。



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