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pale blue dot -carl sagan

pale blue dot -carl sagan

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《pale blue dot -carl sagan》|总人气: 91| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    PALE BLUE DOT A VISION OF THE HUMAN FUTURE IN SPACE CARL SAGAN FOR SAMAnother wanderer,May your generation seeWonders undreamt.SPACECRAFT EXPLORATION OF THE SOLAR SYSTEMNOTABLE EARLY ACHIEVEMENTSUNITED STATES1958 First scientific discovery in space-Van Allen radiation belt (Explorer 1)1959 First television images of the Earth from space (Explorer 6)1962 First scientific discovery in interplanetary space -direct observation of the solar wind (Mariner 2)1962 First scientifically successful planetary mission (Mariner 2 to Venus)1962 First astronomical observatory in space (OSO-1)1968 First manned orbit of another world (Apollo 8 to the Moon)...

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