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《27-rapunzel》|总人气: 26| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    RAPUNZELONCE upon a time there lived a man and his wife who were veryunhappy because they had no children. These good peoplehad a little window at the back of their house, which looked intothe most lovely garden, full of all manner of beautiful flowers andvegetables; but the garden was surrounded by a high wall, and noone dared to enter it, for it belonged to a witch of great power, whowas feared by the whole world. One day the woman stood at thewindow overlooking the garden, and saw there a bed full of thefinest rampion: the leaves looked so fresh and green that she longedto eat them. The desire grew day by day, and just because she...



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