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the circulation of the blood

the circulation of the blood

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《the circulation of the blood》|总人气: 57| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The Circulation of the Bloodby Thomas H. HuxleyI DESIRE this evening to give you some account of the life and laboursof a very noble EnglishmanWilliam Harvey.William Harvey was born in the year 1578, and as he lived until the year1657, he very nearly attained the age of 80. He was the son of a smalllandowner in Kent, who was sufficiently wealthy to send this, hiseldest son, to the University of Cambridge; while he embarked theothers in mercantile pursuits, in which they all, as time passed on,attained riches.William Harvey, after pursuing his education at Cambridge, and takinghis degree there, thought it was advisableand justly thought so, in...

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