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brown of calaveras

brown of calaveras

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《brown of calaveras》|总人气: 39| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    BROWN OF CALAVERASA subdued tone of conversation, and the absence of cigar smoke andboot heels at the windows of the Wingdam stagecoach, made itevident that one of the inside passengers was a woman. Adisposition on the part of loungers at the stations to congregatebefore the window, and some concern in regard to the appearance ofcoats, hats, and collars, further indicated that she was lovely.All of which Mr. Jack Hamlin, on the box seat, noted with the smileof cynical philosophy. Not that he depreciated the sex, but thathe recognized therein a deceitful element, the pursuit of whichsometimes drew mankind away from the equally uncertain...

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