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pageant of summer

pageant of summer

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《pageant of summer》|总人气: 42| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Pageant of Summerby Richard JefferiesI.GREEN rushes, long and thick, standing up above the edge of theditch, told the hour of the year as distinctly as the shadow on thedial the hour of the day. Green and thick and sappy to the touch,they felt like summer, soft and elastic, as if full of life, mererushes though they were. On the fingers they left a green scent;rushes have a separate scent of green, so, too, have ferns, verydifferent from that of grass or leaves. Rising from brown sheaths,the tall stems enlarged a little in the middle, like classicalcolumns, and heavy with their sap and freshness, leaned against the...

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