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《048》|总人气: 22| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    a wild, disorderly way of living, so that they never came home again.The youngest, who was called simpleton, set out to seek his brothers,but when at length he found them they mocked him for thinking that hewith his simplicity could get through the world, when they two couldnot make their way, and yet were so much cleverer.They all three traveled away together, and came to an ant-hill. Thetwo elder wanted to destroy it, to see the little ants creeping aboutin their terror, and carrying their eggs away, but simpleton said,leave the creatures in peace, I will not allow you to disturb them.Then they went onwards and came to a lake, on which a great number ofducks were swim



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