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mrs. bullfrog

mrs. bullfrog

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《mrs. bullfrog》|总人气: 36| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    MRS. BULLFROGIt makes me melancholy to see how like fools some very sensiblepeople act in the matter of choosing wives. They perplex theirjudgments by a most undue attention to little niceties ofpersonal appearance, habits, disposition, and other trifles whichconcern nobody but the lady herself. An unhappy gentleman,resolving to wed nothing short of perfection, keeps his heart andhand till both get so old and withered that no tolerable womanwill accept them. Now this is the very height of absurdity. Akind Providence has so skilfully adapted sex to sex and the massof individuals to each other, that, with certain obvious...

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