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augustus does his bit

augustus does his bit

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《augustus does his bit》|总人气: 18| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Augustus Does His Bitby George Bernard ShawI wish to express my gratitude for certain good offices whichAugustus secured for me in January,1917. I had been invited tovisit the theatre of war in Flanders by the Commander-in-Chief:an invitation which was, under the circumstances, a summons toduty. Thus I had occasion to spend some days in procuringthe necessary passport and other official facilities formy journey. It happened just then that the Stage Society gave aperformance of this little play. It opened the heart of everyofficial to me. I have always been treated with distinguishedconsideration in my contracts with bureaucracy during the war;...

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