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the uncommercial traveller

the uncommercial traveller

加入书架 赞(0 踩(0 上传者:中国必胜

《the uncommercial traveller》|总人气: 19| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The Uncommercial Travellerby Charles DickensCHAPTER I - HIS GENERAL LINE OF BUSINESSAllow me to introduce myself - first negatively.No landlord is my friend and brother, no chambermaid loves me, nowaiter worships me, no boots admires and envies me. No round ofbeef or tongue or ham is expressly cooked for me, no pigeon-pie isespecially made for me, no hotel-advertisement is personallyaddressed to me, no hotel-room tapestried with great-coats andrailway wrappers is set apart for me, no house of publicentertainment in the United Kingdom greatly cares for my opinion ofits brandy or sherry. When I go upon my journeys, I am not usually...

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