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moments of vision and miscellaneous verses

moments of vision and miscellaneous verses

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《moments of vision and miscellaneous verses》|总人气: 22| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Moments of Vision and Miscellaneous Versesby Thomas HardyContents:Moments of VisionThe Voice of Things"Why be at pains?""We sat at the window"Afternoon Service at MellstockAt the Wicket-gateIn a MuseumApostrophe to an Old Psalm TuneAt the Word "Farewell"First Sight of Her and AfterThe RivalHeredity"You were the sort that men forget"She, I, and TheyNear Lanivet, 1872Joys of MemoryTo the MoonCopying Architecture in an Old MinsterTo ShakespeareQuid hic agis?On a Midsummer EveTiming HerBefore KnowledgeThe Blinded Bird"The wind blew words"The Faded FaceThe RiddleThe DuelAt Mayfair Lodgings...

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