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《15-felicia》|总人气: 7| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    FELICIA AND THE POT OF PINKSONCE upon a time there was a poor laborer who, feelingthat he had not much longer to live, wished to divide hispossessions between his son and daughter, whom he loveddearly.So he called them to him, and said: "Your motherbrought me as her dowry two stools and a straw bed; Ihave, besides, a hen, a pot of pinks, and a silver ring,which were given me by a noble lady who once lodged inmy poor cottage. When she went away she said to me:"`Be careful of my gifts, good man; see that you do notlose the ring or forget to water the pinks. As for yourdaughter, I promise you that she shall be more beautiful...



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