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round the sofa

round the sofa

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《round the sofa》|总人气: 30| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Round the Sofaby Elizabeth GaskellLong ago I was placed by my parents under the medical treatment of acertain Mr. Dawson, a surgeon in Edinburgh, who had obtained areputation for the cure of a particular class of diseases. I wassent with my governess into lodgings near his house, in the Old Town.I was to combine lessons from the excellent Edinburgh masters, withthe medicines and exercises needed for my indisposition. It was atfirst rather dreary to leave my brothers and sisters, and to give upour merry out-of-doors life with our country home, for dull lodgings,with only poor grave Miss Duncan for a companion; and to exchange our...

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