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12-the giants and herd-boy

12-the giants and herd-boy

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《12-the giants and herd-boy》|总人气: 18| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    THE GIANTS AND THE HERD-BOY[12][12] From the Bukowniaer. Von Wliolocki.There was once upon a time a poor boy who had neither father normother. In order to gain a living he looked after the sheep of agreat Lord. Day and night he spent out in the open fields, andonly when it was very wet and stormy did he take refuge in alittle hut on the edge of a big forest. Now one night, when hewas sitting on the grass beside his flocks, he heard not very farfrom him the sound as of some one crying. He rose up andfollowed the direction of the noise. To his dismay andastonishment he found a Giant lying at the entrance of the wood;...

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