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buttercup gold and other stories(一杯黄金)

buttercup gold and other stories(一杯黄金)

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《buttercup gold and other stories(一杯黄金)》|总人气: 209| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    BUTTERCUP GOLD AND OTHER STORIESBUTTERCUP GOLDAND OTHER STORIESEllen Robena Field1- Page 2-BUTTERCUP GOLD AND OTHER STORIESThe Little New YearOne cold morning Maurice awoke from his dreams and sat up in bedand listened. He thought he heard a knock at his window; but though themoon was shining brightly, Jack Frost had been so busily at work thatMaurice could not see through the thickly painted panes. So he crept...

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