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the life of sir john oldcastle

the life of sir john oldcastle

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《the life of sir john oldcastle》|总人气: 35| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The Life of Sir John Oldcastleby William Shakespeare [Apocrypha]The Actors Names in the History of Sir John Oldcastle.King Henry the Fifth.Sir John Old-castle, Lord Cobham.Harpoole, Servant to the Lord Cobham.Lord Herbert, with Gough his man.Lord Powis, with Owen and Davy his men.The Mayor of Hereford, and Sheriff of Herefordshire, with Bailiffsand Servants.Two Judges of Assize.The Bishop of Rochester and Clun his Sumner.Sir John the Parson of Wrotham, and Doll his Concubine.The Duke of Suffolk.The Earl of Huntington.The Earl of Cambridge.Lord Scroop and Lord Grey.Chartres the French Agent.Sir Roger Acton.Sir Richard Lee....

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