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the bab ballads(巴布民谣)

the bab ballads(巴布民谣)

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《the bab ballads(巴布民谣)》|总人气: 28| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The Bab BalladsThe Bab BalladsW. S. Gilbert1- Page 2-The Bab BalladsBallad: Captain ReeceOf all the ships upon the blue, No ship contained a better crew Thanthat of worthy CAPTAIN REECE, Commanding of THEMANTELPIECE.He was adored by all his men, For worthy CAPTAIN REECE, R.N.,Did all that lay within him to Promote the comfort of his crew.If ever they were dull or sad, Their captain danced to them like mad,...

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